

Hey guys. Welcome to fareY's blog. I'm pretty new at this blogging thing so please don't judge me too harshly (at least until i get used to this a little bit, si?).

I hope you liked my first post. I posted this same article earlier on facebook. Its kinda personal and I found the whole book truly inspiring, hope you guys like the article as much as I do.

Aaanyways, I just came back to Singapore after a one week holiday in Male'. One week! I know! Was kinda embarrassing telling people that I was in Male' for just a week but hey, Male' is Male' and its roadha mas. I went back for the hedhika, and you would have done the same.

But unfortunately, I'm kinda regretting the short trip back home. Well, if its the trip home or the trip back to Singapore I'm regretting I'm not too sure. Its not much regret anyway, its just that I'm having this terrible cold and cant get rid of it. Missed two, wait... or was it four days of school. (I'm famous for my class skipping, which might I mention, I'm not very proud of!) akhem.

Well guys. Hope your days are nice and sunny. Keep fit. Eat healthy. Kick somebody's butt once in a while. Ciao for now.


Anonymous said...

:) get well soon buddy boy! and urnt too bad for a beginner:p keep the posts coming!!

fareY said...

thankyou noor. really appreciate it ;)

Anonymous said...

if u hv started blogging..update it ya..i wanna read!!:p

Anonymous said...

ey kalo. rangalhey dhen. keep it up. i wud read, unless its total crap.